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Light Tracker
A recent coding project with Arduino, in which a photoresistor is connected to a servo motor in order to track Read more

"In the spiritual world, science represents one chair out of ten chairs at the table. [...] Through science, the spiritual world can manifest in the physical world."

excerpt from the book “How Is Human Built? Introduction to the Spiritual World” by Younousse Tamekloe

Drone Design Younousse Tamekloe


The innovative electric motor for heavy-duty UAV has been developed to a finished product, and a new energy supply system has been invented to allow for unprecedented drone flight time and range.


The Space Octahedron GmbH is founded in Berlin with the vision to bring humanity to the next level of aerial robotics.

Drone Design Younousse Tamekloe


In 2021, I dedicated my full time to continuing developing high-end technologies in the field of aerial robotics, which would reshape the drone industry and define new standards in drone performance.

Younousse Tamekloe


In 2020, I worked on designing innovative drone and electric engine technology and planning the next steps in the production process.


In 2019, I wrote and illustrated a book about how the human is built drawing an analogy between the human and the smartphone.

God of New Technology by Younousse Tamekloe


In 2018, I created and exhibited an art series titled „The Art of New Technology“, in which I explained how the sculpture in the future will combine art and tech elements to serve a useful purpose.